Fake News Is Artificial Intelligence

Bouchard -- Founder of 'Bloomsbury AI'
Testing what’s idiotically fake news can be done by an infant; by simply rolling over the URL and deciphering the non-specific source codec from real source code.  The problem arises when we depend on the social media memes, buzz-feeds for actual credible data; I treat the idiocies as mild joviality, to equate fake news as ‘news’ is ankle-kickingly spurious. A fine example of moronic logic and the suchlike is rife among technology dependent plebiscites who converse in text-speak; incapable of forming their own theories, individualism.
Ultimately, it astounds me that a social media platform has to filter out this ‘data’ so it won’t be believed --- obviously these new filter powers could enter the political arena and filter out those who by default tells porkie-pies even when contradistinctions are presented to them. I say this because there are fake news creators, Brexiters out there cultivating nefarious content to smear anything they want – for example: who genuinely believed in Theresa May’s ‘Brexit Dividend’ will bankroll the NHS?’ Indeed, this is someone’s fake news, just as it is someone’s warped reality. Nevertheless the coverage and media galvanised the fake news and this could be dangerous lies in the wrong hands duly of the view People could draw upon an opinion on disinformation and worse still come to a conclusion and vote accordingly to the detriment of a nation. Once the fake news gets its long tentacles on the Human cortex, you need an exorcist to drive the succubus out.
Having debated with those outwardly claiming fake news as an actuality, I question their motives and complex stratagem to conclude a position, most of the time they’re not sure themselves what brought them to the position they’ve concluded. Why I also question the motives behind a fake news filter system. Brazenly the filter procedure falls apart when you ponder, what is reality? Does this mean piety is included in the fake news ‘filter spectrum’ or does it only mean eliminating political opposition? I did attempt to get a response from the Culture Secretary what is meant by ‘fake news’ and who and what system determines to pull the plug out, only to get white noise… alas it doesn’t bode well for full democracy. I asked Priti Patel a keen disciple of the ‘Project Fear’ consortium whether fake news metamorphosed from ‘project fear’-- because we’ve suddenly become profusely sensitive on a global scale. Of course the question was greeted white noise, alas I sense on the recent ‘Digital Charter’ a common theme of ‘protecting young minds from fearful content’ has gone beyond protecting young minds and intruded onto mature minds; why a fake news filter exists.
AI, reads text documents and answers questions about their contents
The leading minds of codec engineers are building upon ‘stickier’ News Feed, spearheaded by junk terminators Marra and Campbell, the global communication police of Facebook -- the duo comparatively makes Mulder and Scully look like redundant playground attendants during the summer break. I go as far to say the tools which track down fake news does have an element of spurious coding experts call it Deep Learning notably, ‘Google Inc’ formulated. Bloomsbury AI  are ‘news publishing specialists;’ have for three years imitated this tracking data process and turned it into a valuable Facebook tool, in a bid to trace ‘fake news.’ ‘Bloomsbury AI’ who’re the new kids on the ‘AI machine’ block are not the pioneers of Deep Learning which asks the question does Yann LeCun who is Facebook’s Director of Communications compute the torrid fragilities of seeking ‘fake news’? I smell a rat, because the ‘Bloomsbury AI’ can only reasonably identify buzz terms on durable legal documentation but when the contextual language changes no algorithm can automatically relate to the contextual terminology in real time. This is the main issue of Deep Learning as a key directive for terminating fake news; indirectly you require hundreds of staff to overlook the Deep Learning artificial decision making; otherwise you’ll end up with political bigotry which is worse than scrolling down candid memes.  Automatically the concern is that the AI engineers can determine what is offensive, politically motivated and prevent it going viral and remove ‘fake news’ entirely prior to any red flag notification made.
Tech-engineers claim the Deep Learning program has triumphed in the academia sense but it is another story to filter out social network material – duly as the tool is prone to adopting a political allegiance. Furthermore, I doubt the AI tools will encroach on embracing asocial and moral value foundation; therefore I have a question on whether a filter system can truly act ethically without the guidance of Human intervention -- there’s barely any evidence Deep Learning can, let alone be the answer to squashing fake news. I also have observational issue with Guillaume Bouchard who is ‘Bloomsbury AI’ founder; he follows the practices of Simon Sinek, a Tedx Talk contributor who endeavours on creating business dreams the focus of everyday interaction. The final result or outcome of having a satisfied customer isn’t the main goal for Bouchard, it is redevelopment and in the case of Deep Learning, ‘Bloomsbury AI’ is now a bought entity of Facebook of around 17 million GBP – so new goals are on the horizon for the fake news code crunchers. Now the  likes of Marra and Campbell will eventually see the truth behind the archaic machine of Deep Learning, because the core design has been around for longer than their Social Network employees; hardly AI you’ll think. There’s only so much cerebral layering you can manage – Cambridge Analytica were actually rather proficient at data-recognition; hence, another component of Deep Learning, albeit, the corporation ethics were scrutinised not the core basis of the technology employed; isn’t this proof that Facebook is pulling a fast one, over what type of artificial intelligence determines fake news. You could categorically claim: ‘Bloomsbury AI are merely usurping on profiling data which ‘Cambridge Analytica’ was forced to vacate.
Simon Sinek openly projected the idea of why you do what you do being the deal clincher? It’s always about the potential of future markets, stretching technological capability, and monopolising sectors. However fake news is just another conundrum that’s self-made and offers even greater powers to control what the user thinks. It’s a conditioning mechanism and it’s happening without our knowledge, but now fake news legitimatizes the authoritarian’s quest for an Orwellian world.  You may’ve been alerted, our reasonably stable status quo has encroached onto the nonsensical; and  there’s a microcosm of it in 1990 all to see according to Yair Tzaban where he profoundly stated some 39k housing units for the Jewish population were built; alas none for the Palestinians.  Apparently building applications were barred in the areas which were occupied by Palestinians. The Green Zones was an attempt to deprive the Palestinians of Right to build on their land. Remarkably the policies were designed by the hand of Teddy Kollek who was admired in the West as an outstanding democrat and Humanitarian. To put it plainly, the Arab Council poured scorn over the design… they announced Kollek ‘placed difficulties in the way of planning in the Arab Sector.’
Progressively, there’s a synergy of what happened in 1990 in the Arab States what fake news is – at present, there’s no obvious language structure in place; albeit the Deep Learning code does exist to terminate ‘fake news.’  But you can bet that ideological inequality will increase free-fold against good decent values. For the Kollek concept openly referred to a sense of tyrannical order and it’s prevalent in the knowledge the so-called Kollek planning was devised to eradicate equality. Regretfully, when political will engulfs rational thinking against Humanity you see the animal for what it really is… tyrannical, blood-thirsty beast not fit for purpose, and also a capitalist codec beast ruling over free-thought and infringing on Human Rights to not exercise our logical cerebral process. Once we get told what to think, by eliminating ‘fake news’ whatever that means… we won’t get philosophical works in the future to give a balance of opinion. My crux of my free-thinking is to warn people of disingenuous political will and nefarious codec warping social network transparency. We need both sides of the story… you know the Israelis frowned upon that the Palestinians had a sewage system built for them under Kollek until he alerted them, there were cases of cholera and the Israelis were afraid to catch it. He was never a Humanitarian just an example of how Zionism intrudes on reality – indeed, the exponent of fake news… henceforth, why it’s important to read books and gauge for yourself ‘truth.’
Interestingly enough Julian Assange in September 2016 on WikiLeaks was offering a 20,000 GBP fee for whistle-blowers in the Labour ranks to draw out stifled opinions /voices, to which we’re unfortunately aware of today --yesterday’s ‘fake news’ has a habit of unravelling.    
