Goodbye NHS!

The Tories do what they do best, they reward those who’ve proven to have a dire track record in providing social and moral value - why Javid is the perfect Health Secretary for guns' blazing, hell-bound privatization of the NHS.

Javid always embarks on his humble beginnings while growing up... explaining the toil and hardships his parents had to endure as an immigrant, but it's totally irrelevant to 99.9% of the populous – albeit, Javid exacts this bulldust as a means to engage you with his self-orientated delusions of a bygone epoch conveniently forgetting depravity was Thatcher’s brain-child.

Probably worth noting that Secretary of States aren’t part of the just about managing brigade they’re opulent, and they sinuously hold onto their wealth chain, never to enter the hovel of poverty. Half a century on and this charlatan still talks about when he was poor: “Everyone remembers their childhood home. Mine was the flat above the family shop.” He likes to rub the impoverish card whenever possible as if it’s a magic lamp to imply to an audience: “hey, I was like you once… now look at me now, ultra-capitalists.” Indeed, it works as a tool of social engagement, there’s a customary guidebook on it in the children section of your local library, if you can find a library of course.

As the Windrush scandal multiplies years on after it was revealed... his irrationalism stains morality today for Javid the old Home secretary offloaded an initial statement to the press in reference to the  Windrush Generation: “I myself am a second generation migrant. It could have been my mum, or my uncle, or even me.” But it wasn’t…it never is? Back then, his fortuitous promotion was thanks to Amber Rudd for 'not knowing about deportation targets!' In normal times, he’ll logically have to dismantle May’s pride and joy the infamous hostile environment of the Home Office department’ naturally he cemented the deportation program, ready for Home Secretary Priti Patel to ship off the Windrush Generation at will. At the time, I did notice something outlandishly Orwellian about renaming the hostile environment, this is typical Javid - and on cue, Javid renamed the hostile environment... ’compliant.’ 

In Orwell’s book: (1984) there’s technically zero rules, however the environment was such you could get arrested for many reasons, the ‘Thinkpol’ doesn’t need any credible evidence to punish alleged ‘illegalities’. Javid’s corporate world terminology is laced in dread, basically more of the same thus rebranded. His theoretical essence appears to have no laws, no words of targets, nor ridding unruly types of citizen’s rights or sprouting the term illegality around as if it’s a neologism fad. This is normal practice for Javid, he studied Economics and Politics at University and infamously called Corbyn’s activist group ‘Momentum’ neo fascists. 

Why he's the ideal man to eliminate the NHS, because he'll despise the Marxist activism within the unions. Furthermore, Javid’s absolute misinterpretation shockingly denigrates the actuality of fascism to the core, only an ex- director at Deutsche Bank could attempt to warp this historic truth to fit in with his self-deluded rhetoric. To which by all accounts fascism refers to his wing of political ethics, which’re determined to grotesquely endanger the prospects of the vulnerable to line HMG's and friends pockets. Why his Health Secretary appointment is corruptive business as usual for the regime.

Loathsome fascism resides at the Westminster subsidised bar and eateries, helped paid for by stealing from deprived school children’s breakfast clubs and lunch-boxes - yes, Sajid Javid voted to take away school meals from the penurious infant. He generically despises youthful exploits such as eating and drinking, it’s uniformed in his Deoxyribonucleic acid. During a speech in November 2017 he poked fun at those who can’t afford a mortgage, at a period when living standards (real wages) dwarfed the national inflation rate: “You wouldn’t know it if you listened to some people. Even today, I still hear from those who say that there’s no problem with housing in this country that we don’t need to build more. That affordability is only a problem for Millennials that spend too much on nights out and smashed avocados.”  

Who are these people he speaks of… Tory parliamentarians? It’s as if he’s been locked inside an avocado for years while the Tories cackhandedly spread austere measures across the land. And what about this ‘smashed avocado’ term Javid chooses – for those who don’t know this is an Australian idiom for the fresh-faced just out of University folk who can’t afford to purchase a property of the view they spend their disposable income on…. Yes, nights out - enjoying life. No-one smashes avocados on nights out; thus I suspect Javid not only didn’t know the meaning of ‘smash avocado’ but obviously hasn’t been out at night, duly because avocados aren’t even discussed - let alone smashed in homes, parks, outside and inside public houses as a luxury ritual, in a bid to not get tied to a mortgage. To relay this deranged thought process as a valid policy which suffers from tautology issues, unless of course Javid was referring to actual avocados, I conclude he must have the head of an avocado. 

Javid is a maestro at not spending annual budgets specifically for 'Housing' he’s a bona fide corporate man of no action and non-stick variable planning. There’s no wonder the banking sector liked him being the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for he obsessively tinkers with non-specifics, he's a micro-manager extraordinaire. By engraved instinct Javid only validates policy if it suits himself favourably, I referencing Javid being a private landlord, I say this duly as he effectively ignored annual spending powers in regards to affordable homes of a princely sum of £292 million over two years and failed to spend £1.1 billion of the entire Housing budget during his tenure. He claimed: “All affordable housing under-spend from 2016 – 17 has been made available to spend on similar schemes.” Now I can clarify what these schemes were, was namely… freeing up the shackles of public sector bureaucracy, Housing Associations therefore became reclassified as private enterprises; new housing reforms lumped into the private sector. Yes, regretfully the private sector did create a social cleansing programme and it's prevalent today, inadvertently exacerbated the homeless figures in Blighty on a scale never seen in the UK for generations.

The now, Health Secretary, will disingenuously dissemble the NHS, via reinventing schemes that're superfluous and therefore ripe for the private sector and foreign corporations to liquidize or drip, drip into their mainframe systems unknown to the British Public. Javid conducts a nebulous ship of fools discourse without validation. Practically, no-one knows that the new NHS chief reformed planning rules primary for the private sector, this is bad news... because for all those who clapped like circus dolphins last year and painted rainbows in the streets and sycophantically called all our keyworkers, 'heroes,' hiring Javid as the Health Secretary is like getting in the liquidators, Tory leopards like Javid don't change their spots, instead their spots get bigger - basically, our NHS is not ours anymore. 


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