Social Visionaries

I’m not going to beat about the bush here… we’re living in quagmire of perversity. Fascism has stepped out of a World War Two spitfire and minced about in coffee shops, local bars and spiked the unintelligible minds with what I can only describe as being from the bathroom cabinet of Farage. When will this psychosis recede?

A pattern has emerged over recent years and its failures of protest from the Iraq invasion in early noughties, ‘Occupy’ after the subprime market crash and its vacated enough room for the contagion of Western protectionism to *actually* thrive. To put a real dampener on matters, intellectuals are now perusing over the dwindling moral flame of the Left -- And worse still stretching their cerebral loaves at the prospect of reinventing a new opponent to rival far right extremism. Now among the imbroglio of animal farm antics there’s a glimmer of hope; indeed, the same intellectuals claimed that the printed book was dead; since then there’s been a revival of physical books – yeh, what do modern day Philosophers know eh; and this is my main point: social values have very likely got drowned out by demonstrative meat-heads; in retrospect, no-one can specifically drown out social values for too long; hence, why Marx or Engels philosophy is truly never far away from our social conscience.

GE2017, sparked a new dawn for Leftist politics - the social movement had momentum and then it inadvertently turned a Socialist into a sceptic namely; Will Self; y-see he’s grinding through his cerebral gears on the ‘Funzing’ stage on July 31st 2018; burping out Leftist mantra from the 1990s. By the time Socialism enters the fray I suspect Self will gormlessly adopt a self-professed mutiny against his juvenile socialist utopia ---- whereby he’ll spit out some feathers and drown out the Leftist audience thought-process with anecdotal stage noise while meandering from side to side in size fourteen shoes – Orwellian ‘Newspeak’ reborn, for his disillusionment with Corbyn started on the day he became Labour leader. During ‘Newsnight’ accompanying Matthew Paris, Self announced: ‘it’ll be an amusing time with Jeremy Corbyn at the helm; he’ll last two months… tops…’  Then Brexit occupied all that’s sacred; but still the temple scratching continues to why the Opposition isn’t dominating the incumbent regime. What they mean by dictate to a regime I can only imagine, it probably means to break parliamentary codes at a far greater velocity than the Tories currently do - naturally a tall order, for the analogy questions the Socialist axiom.

Ultimately, now that recess is upon us, it’ll allow for breathing space from the vermin screeches about nefarious content, perhaps this is an opportunity for academics to analyse the polished excrement, for twenty-two pounds a listen. A night off from building a trench in the backyard as the intellectual forecasts claims we’re entering a period of PR uncertainty.  We’re far from the cuddly cardigan 1990s when Bliar’s New Labour encroached on a social-ideology that metamorphosed into Red Toryism, an establishment plan that guaranteed ‘Bliar and Thatcher a political kinship; presumably the necessary concomitant to suit the masses. A social future in the balance, just like the UK landmass the social philosophy ebbed away down a crumbly slope, leaving Corbyn to reconstruct Labour’s core principles in the harshest of political environs. Still Bliar has the audacity to sit in judgement, knowing full well his pontifications are paid for by Israeli Lobby Group, which goes out of their way to smear racial falsifications on Britain’s social axiom.

The so-called intellectual ‘socialist-elite’ are on now a mission to ease off the social-themed momentum in fear it may take office via default by ‘accident’ – suddenly you’re finding aleatory terminologies affiliated to political agendas, i.e. Brexit, Public Sector and the Political Chaos. By habit and history backs up this theory, the electorate aren’t forgiving, and will vote for a complete change if given the chance. Yet Will Self at the ‘Funzing’ will endeavour to employ a vision devised to stabilise the decrepit status quo -- in truth, the ilk of the wealthy intellectual quivers in fear of the Socialist animal, why they fall over themselves to refute the Corbynistas’ credulous ‘economic policies.’ Implying they’re too over caffeinated to face the ‘real consequences which renders Labour unelectable.’ Meanwhile, Brexit and its implications however are overlooked.

Breaking points in history have the characteristics and agility of ‘Sesame Street’s’ Big Bird. It looks like a Fun Gig, it sounds like a Fun Gig, but ends up getting gate crashed by ‘Funzing’ hoodlums harping on about the values of true-redistribution – whatever that means? My intelligence gets thwarted at the misconception of rearticulating  - basically, recycling what we already know; thus, throwing a scholarly hat on it and then pose ‘they’re rethinking a Western alliance’ – this is no different to High Street Banks reselling PPI to consumers who’ve just sued them over PPI corruption. A total injustice is being played out at the expense of social and moral value; purely on the idiosyncratic opinion Corbynistas’s philosophy is automatically futile. Surely, every ‘unworkable’ ideology is deemed original and possibly inspiring prior to it being active and therefore ‘new’? My mumpsimus persona rattles the cages of the ‘asinine elite’; herewith, why I gravitate towards ‘the new spirit of the age’ theorems - and by nature pay homage to the main value: community.

Workers deplore degradation and the loss of self-respect that made the collective working class the pride of the world – what’s happening now is the decline of culture, skill and attainment as well as human dignity depicted by ‘wage slavery’ causes them to surrender their dreams of bettering themselves economically but enhances a greater requirement– a need for identity supremacy and once this has been taken advantage of by a far-right agenda -- yes, the working class have become the ‘menials’ the humble subjects for despots.  We’ve arrived at these crossroads… now media, universities and the intellectual class are the apologists for the powerful who sought to justify despotism. They’re employed to install the demeaning values and rewrite racial definitions – yet the ideology of a democracy is to conquer ‘monarchial principles;’ call it a rally-cry for a Social Labour Movement.

Events like ‘Funzing’ won’t subscribe to the works of Wilhelm von Humboldt announcing that the true labourers own the garden rather than the listless voluptuary who enjoys its fruits; the kind who interact with financial initiatives, speculations and equip themselves in the knowledge of down-turns thanks to phone yodels from the market forces - the very same mechanics the predetermine the labour outcomes. I believe it was the Adam Smith’s theorems which embedded the conservative security of having inequality driving the workforce for a ‘better life’ these are the conditions they work to. Overtime, the ideology cements itself into something sinister and then the Tory establishment asks intellectuals to sell rhetoric... i.e. ‘is the Left Dead’? Odd analogy to carelessly peruse, because Thomas Jefferson proposed that widespread poverty and concentrated wealth cannot exist side by side in a democracy; it makes you ponder why we have foodbanks, for they’re an example of a failed democracy according to Jefferson. Today, concepts of foodbanks are swished away by capitalists saying: ‘for those with *temporary* cash flow issues.’  Only the Left are protesting to sustain our democracy.

These ‘bought priesthoods’ prefer the erroneous desideratum to continue in a bid to protect their self-preservation; so human values in retrospect wain and before long the nation who invented human rights globally is progressively leaning towards those actively doing great evil and violating against natural liberty under the noose of identity. After eight years of austerity, ‘identity politics’ is now the affiche, all designed to mislead the growing poor.

Brexit appears to be the ultimate betrayal for the working class – hence, on the horizon is a behemoth change, it won’t be derived by a definable proletariat whereby they can show solidarity, oh know, the change will be done in dissent ----call it a rally-cry for a Social Labour Movement.
