Quite recently, I
saw the approval rating of the Maybot at
minus 37 points and immediately wondered whether it was time for a battery
recharge, and next I witnessed was a long table of Cabinet ministers in
Gateshead as if on an end of term school trip.
See, they’re getting back to
basics, presumably taking a leaf out of John Major’s file, because that was so
successful --- Spitting Image made Major look rather rubbery, but less robotic.
Difficult scenario for Maybot however, because she is a robot. At least the Tory long
table in Gateshead implied a sense of unity even though visuals didn’t catch
any facial specifics. What was apparent however was the PM was on the charm
offensive to sell Brexit.
I hate to say this
but it appears the Brexit Summer Tour is really happening; it reminds me of a
commercial enterprise going out on the road to do gigs and greet fans, sign
photographs, or back of buses. Usually, the band / commercial enterprise has
something to sell but in this case no-one can buy Brexit in shops, order a
Brexit, and even try out a Brexit weekend break, whereby you live off canned
prunes and ‘Idris Ginger Beer.’ The Maybot is unable to gift the public not
even a sample of Brexit; such as a travel friendly can of deodorant called
Brexit --just to get an idea what it’ll be like. Although, many on the London Underground probably would’ve
smelt Brexit up close and personal this summer – corn beef sandwiches lodged
behind a radiator for five months of putrid conditioning.
When the Maybot was asked about pastimes; the
machine jumped into survival mode and
expressed a love of… moving and
fortunately recalled the Homo Sapien is keen on eating, also - therefore could
relate to having one hundred and fifty culinary books stashed away in the
library, next to ‘Artificial Intelligence’ manuals about calling General
Elections. The main telling sign that gave a curious mind some real cerebral
fodder was the Maybot’s interest in
watching the TV Series ‘NCIS’ a show
that revolves around a fictitious team trying to solve problems; and attempts
to understand the motives of criminals. Notably, robots cannot really resolve
humanities issues and why Brexit remains an unresolved crime… with enforcers
keen to get to speak to Brexiters
about alleged malpractices. When the Maybot
automatically ‘Googled’ pastimes
while on a Brexit Tour, you can see why ‘Google’
came up with the answer: ‘NCIS.’ Y’see,
two infamous episodes of this series were called: ‘Ice Queen’ and ‘Meltdown’ –
perfect descriptions for the Maybot’s
style and tenure.
For those who’re
bordering on being of senior status, Cliff Richard frequently went on his
summer holidays by bus around Britain and sang about sojourns being a week or
two --- so, you can see why the Maybot
has copied Cliff because it’s sunny and cliff idioms are a fair assessment of
affairs at present. Naturally, cack-handed bus slogans have lodged in the Maybot’s circuit boards too, in
discourse concerning NHS woes – albeit, confusing EU Membership dividends with
perceived funding; enough to get Robert Chute to invent a square-wheel and say
it’s useless… meanwhile the Brexit Tours continues… At least Cliff Richards
seemed to have a summer holiday without worrisome cliffs on the horizon.
At times I opted to
view political campaigns from the Pathé archive so observe what was deemed British only to
find a staged event whereby a politician played with a dog or spoke to
children, or went hell for leather and visited an ice cream van; actually the
Brexit Tours is no different. The staged audiences are really cardboard cut-outs
apart from a Tory activist nodding in agreement that eating food is indeed an
enjoyable result of cooking… a smidgen like the nebulous self-made idiom, ‘Brexit
means Brexit’ - albeit, the proof is in
the pudding and who doesn’t like a sticky-toffee pudding whereby the toffee is
really Bar-BQ sauce and the stick part is when it sticks in the throat and takes
to digest and by Monday you start to regret it and by Tuesday you find yourself
hating the whole menu. And by Wednesday you find out it wasn’t even what you
ordered back in June 2016; on the Brexit Tours this is a formality.
Tough to sell a bifocal black and white
television these days, not like in the swinging sixties when Cliff and his
quiff got us all crowding around the grainy box informing us that the sun shines
brightly just like in the movies, let’s see if it’s true. We believed Cliff; we didn’t even question
his mode of transit being a double decker. Not so easy these days on the Brexit
Tours for the Maybot has the charm of
a thirty year old boiler, shuddering along, making metallic disgruntled noises in
keeping a house warm. That pained expression while meeting and greeting transmits
back to the voyeur, why fucking bother? You’re not Cliff and nobody cares about
the Brexit Tours of the premise it is by definition… unintelligible. We’ve now
the senior Brexit economist Ruth Lea squawking like an electrocuted chicken,
all startled and pique, broadcasted on the BBC, it’s a real shame observing a
seventy plus year old aberrant gallus
– and its holiday season, surely a butcher will put her out of her Brexit
misery and pluck her for the American market; chlorinated of course.
I take homage in
claiming that codecs can always be re-programmed and this could occur with the Maybot because this device did support ‘Remain,’
before fighting for the very thing the device opposed. No-wonder the White
paper resembles something close to a box set of ‘NCIS,’ whereby it’s based on
fiction, will remain totally unresolved, a crime against the people and
rewrites the EU’s fiscal rules and regulations for a non-EU member. As the summer rolls on and the heat
intensifies, so does the chance of an electrical storm to knockout the power at
Number Ten Downing Street. Our nation will be alerted to a bullet-in that there’s
been no movement, no cooking, and zero sign of activity from Maybot. Weeks will pass, until a children’s cartoon
character called Michael Gove announces to the BBC: ‘it seems as if the staff at Number Ten after the electric storm forgot
to series link the program ‘NCIS’ and subsequently recharge the Maybot… it’s at
3% at present, but in the meantime we’re all on a Brexit Tour this time with
Cliff Richard, to cheer him up somewhat, it’s 1963 all over again.’
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