Wes Streeting, I read your piece on Labourlist
explaining to party members why the *new* definition of anti-Semitic
matters, the issue I had was it wasn’t explained.
three points of (1) stating Labour is a racist party, (2) character
assassinating your leader and (3) the Jewish community experiencing a racism
backlash; presumably penned / tapped by Labour members expressing the Jewish
community is politically motivating an attack on the party seems to have done
wonders for Corbyn’s rating; his silence is dignified, under vehement attack of
one’s character, admirable isn’t it? Eventually, you get immune to the
incessant swipes of hatred that enters the in-tray -- the idiotic weekly death
threats, the perverse irrational content laid out so purposefully in an email
that you rapidly conclude the individual obviously hasn’t read the definition /
interpretation correctly, alas, somehow they blame you for their school truancy
and failed relationship.
abuse levels are rising, you’re right, but it’s prevalent ubiquitously. Politics
is not immune, and I stipulate this with heed; why I profoundly disagree with you
affirming Corbyn and the Labour movement with a racist tag – Corbyn merely acknowledged
there are examples of racism across all political spectrums and have to be
dealt with decisively. I don’t value the erosion of freedom of speech, and nor
do my Jewish comrades whom compute fully what the IHRA definition entails; and
yet again you’re misinformed Mr. Streeting the anti-Semitic definition is not
internationally recognised, highly regarded or used by myriad authorities in
the UK. Our current government hasn’t adopted the IHRA definition either, so your
statement starting with: ‘the IHRA
definition is internationally recognised and highly regarded….’ has to be publically
retracted; I’ll post a copy of this correspondence to Sienna Rodgers the Editor
of ‘Labourlist’ so that you can have an opportunity to correct a wrongdoing. Semantics you probably think, well two can
play this game; the Palestinians deserve a friend too.
You’ve got
colleagues who rightly exposed the problem in the detail, of course the
definition stifles legitimate criticism of the State of Israel, in fact I’ll go
further the IHRA reminds me of fascism in Praha during the era of Kafka;
whereby they destroyed literature, art, and philosophy that wasn’t pro the
regime. Extremism embarks on with redefining terms, turning the
reconfigurations into law and ends up burning threads that don’t exact their
wishes – incredibly dangerous. We only know about Franz Kafka in the West due
to his friend Max Brod risking life and limb to smuggle Kafka’s works out to
Britain. In regards to protecting our
democratic state Jeremy Corbyn is on the right side of history; his upbringing
and convictions should be an example to behold; the absolute opposite to being an
Another area
of contention is you boastfully have spoken up against Israeli Settlement
Expansion, demolition of Palestinian’s homes and lives and the humanitarian
crisis in Gaza; notably the threat posed to a two-state ‘solution’ by a tyrannical
government. But you’re more worried about how your leader views a definition?
This is nonsensical socially and morally! By you predicting a three part backlash;
you therefore consciously orchestrated it, this isn’t rocket science; duly on
the opinion your now abiding by the definitive rulebook of ‘CAA’s’ Gideon
Falter, who I converse with. Specifically to validate the charities political position
and understand their guidelines enforced by their shady Honorary Patrons. Why I am not remotely surprised to read about
the letter you received from the Chief Rabbi (Ephraim Mirvis by any chance?). Thus, by not giving the big thumbs up to the
IHRA definition it’ll send an ‘unprecedented message of contempt’ towards
British Jews. Again, no specifics to who the Chief Rabbi is referring to on the
axiom there’s more than one British Jew; according to the ‘Jewish Chronicle’
there’s a wrong kind of Jew. So, the anti-Semitism definition is convoluted. At
least one of Gideon Falter’s comments of craving for ‘world domination’ had honesty to it; albeit a smidgen macabre, don’t
you think -------- although, you may have external collaborations with an
Israeli Lobby Group for all I know; shucks, just kidding.
There’s a non-diplomatic
tone with the comment: ‘Before the Jewish
community gives the party a hearing, they need to see *action.* Here’s what the
leadership of our party needs to do in short order.’ This isn’t the language of a democratic
process Mr. Streeting, you’re effectively engaging with a tyrannical authority that’s
dissolving freedom of thought towards a faith, Church, political agenda and a
means of existing. This vehemently goes against democratic social axioms – the request
is non-compliant to intellectual prose and exposes deep irregularities; for
example, let’s take one of the points: ‘stop
Labour MP’s sharing platforms with people who’ve been expelled.’ By being
expelled initially implies *action* has been taken; any court in the land will
clarify it fully - a contradistinction. Semantics
you probably think, well two can play this game; the Palestinians deserve a friend
According to
the ‘CAA’ Honorary Patron listings Fabian Hamilton shares the same platform
with Bob Blackman who is a Tory racist. Blackman follows Tommy Robinson on
social media when he’s not in prison and tweets rants against Muslims; just in case that was accidental it’s apparent
he tends to be associated with unsavoury people such as: Tapan Ghosh, who ‘unwittingly’
incites abhorrence. Y-eh, the ‘CAA’ is
honoured to have Blackman as their Patron. Labour certainly doesn’t want Fabian Hamilton to be associated with far-right extremists in a NGO. This is the animal you’re siding with Wes and
you won’t gain anything by bowing to its whims, stick to the social and moral
compass. The Oxford Professor Avi Shlaim, who served as an Israeli army loyalist
over fifty years ago never, questioned the validity of the State of Israel
within its pre-1967 border. But there’s a Zionist colonial project far beyond
the Green Line. Notably, the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank wasn’t to do
with trepidation alas territorial expansion.
Today, the
Jewish community is on the march for a New Jerusalem to establish ‘Greater
Israel’ through permanent political, economic, ideological, military control
over more than just the Palestinian territories; this massacre won’t stop. The regime isn’t a democratic state yet you’re
siding with them. Airstrikes are now incessant on the Palestinians. I cannot sit
by and morally accept these heinous crimes and nor can Professor Shlaim -- thankfully,
your party leader’s humanitarian compass is on the correct side of
democracy. For the record, surely by speaking up against Israel in the recent
past you’re being anti-Semitic, going by the IHRA definition - just a thought
Mr. Streeting.
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