Why the actual ISC Report won’t be published

Karl Wittfogel

Bribing political parties use to have the well informed pouring cold water onto the ire of corruption, not anymore; of the premise the increasingly non-transparent clandestine governance has enabled the ire of corruption to gather oxygen.

The principles the West hold dear are being thrown into the bear pit, and the incumbent’s policy of isolationism triumphs all… what we know up to date, our freedoms, mobility and lifestyles. To enable this national self-harm under the pretense of democracy, mechanically undermines Britain’s constitution on a global scale. The result will ideologically make the West’s greatest selling point ‘democracy’ obsolete in regards to regional diplomacy and influence… this’ll pleasure the Kremlin. To ignore the bribes the lobbyist paymasters and foreign infringements will create unadorned consequences. At every level, national sovereignty may cease to exist duly because ‘taking back control’ trope really means handing over control to those with behemoth incentives and deep pockets.

Inducements are systematically covered up; lies are systematically fed to media platforms as fact; irritatingly this is part of the international norm. I mention this duly for the view there’s a measure of agreement on the general bribery guidelines for a national incumbent. Yes, those in power consciously partition bribes as if they’re part of their private life, never to be discussed in the public domain - however, bribes specifically determine who’s going to be protected, usually the perpetrators… leaving the majority paying the price of the inevitable short-comings. The failure of the UN Charter, especially the International Court of Justice (s) is prominent; it enables superpowers to be exempt from certain conditions.  Of course, this exemption opens up a chasm of future issues which breaches Free State philosophy. At the turn of the 21 C the opinion of International Law embarked on a decline and simultaneously the level of bribery increased substantially at an alarming rate. Very different to the operative principle devised by Dean Acheson in 1963 that ASIL’s national propriety is to challenge… power, prestige and position of all Western incumbents.

Still, Boris Johnson sits on the ISC Report purposefully to make it advantageous for his quest for power; this is now signed, sealed and proven. Effectively it bribed the UK electorate by stemming credible information at the most vital period of modern politics in living memory – by doing so, it scorns Acheson’s doctrine of being able to challenge those who govern us.

The general public are ignorant of Muscovite intrusion, we've all been played as fools - what’s frustrating is the level of disparity / bribery is predominantly clandestine, and I have this sentience duly as the UK's secret services signed off the ISC Report in October 2019, ready for public scrutiny. No wonder our authoritarians poked Transparency International enough to react generically about the rise of European venality as a whole, claiming the level of corruptible activity across the West is in sync with populism and interrupts the democratic flow of social cohesion. All this was played out during the General Election of 2019 and it was the Conservative party in particular which embroidered fakery and it urgently requires a stiff reprisal.  If this form of bribery goes… unpunished global democracy is in trouble.

The under-educated will fall again to the fabricated elitist lies which have been bankrolled through the old faithful propaganda machine spearheaded by contemporary Goebbels, no-one is happier than the Kremlin at the moment. Academics and suchlike acknowledge the high-levels of political bribery, and observe the disenfranchisement and disillusionment with the democratic process – worth noting, this is what the incumbent wants. Regretfully, apathy has got us where we are today; that being… relaying nefarious content posed as credible data has proven new reforms aren’t just necessary but are paramount to safeguard the Free State, and our principles. As expressed by Noam Chomsky who stipulates the cajoling of patriotism with politics habitually by totalitarian societies in free societies is one of the worst maladies of human history. Ultimately, this is our undoing and it’ll quicken up our demise.

In 1957, Karl Wittfogel a sinologist fled the fascist regime of Germany in the 1930s to publish his magnus opus in New York as a comparative study of totalitarian regimes; it replicated ‘Oriental Despotism;’ whereby the common knowledge of a tyrannical ideological flood centralised a state, aimed to force labour at a drop of a hat through inhumane social reforms. Ideologically, Wittfogel stood apart from Marxism and the West bought his Marxist delusion for generations; for evidence, why the ISC Report delay during the General Election of 2019 on Russian interference was absent for scrutiny and deemed of no public interest, it subsequently didn’t resonate with the UK electorate. Why? Well because little is known about Wittfogel per se and his contract with identifying empirical status. He even used satire to claim Russians had missed a unique opportunity to throw off the Asian yoke, during the epoch after the fall of the tsar in 1917. Muscovite data is therefore treated with kid gloves as to denote what are acceptable levels of intrusion - not if a sovereign nation has had their democracy poisoned with fake news.

Ultimately, it doesn't take an expert to configure the concerns of increasing privatization of traditional governmental functions, especially the ‘sacred cows;’ by doing so the bribes filter into nothingness and reports never see the light of day; sure, leaks may occur, albeit who do you trust? Organizations set up to eliminate corruptible practices, under the umbrella of a criminal law convention, such as OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Results show that HMG is foreclosing on transparency, yet the state are a keen advocate, but in recent years they’ve undermined the OECD convention’s philosophies being transparent in ‘bribe payments’ to political parties and their officials, aimed to retain power which offers certain parties an improper advantage. Not publishing the ISC Report damages the effective mechanisms devised to uncover bribery, and so we’re currently creating a culture of untrustworthy practices across the political spectrum. Urgent action is needed to root out political party corruption, before lies are written in law.

I believe it is already too late.


  1. The idea that China would become a Western democracy just because it became rich through trade would have been taken less seriously had one read Oriental Despotism


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