No Easter sojourn, it takes a backseat under the instruction of the High
Office in Westminster rather than the one in the sky. Novel, but puts the
reality that divine is all healing in the dark; alas symbolism remains… like an indestructible cockroach; albeit muted due to consumer restrictions. What is
prevalent is, where-ever Easter falls, the festival is systematically moon
orientated. In reality, 'moon is risen' rather than 'Christ is risen;' unless
of course, the myth about the man in the moon really symbolises the Easter egg
- via shape alone I'd say it makes better sense than the egg being the body of
Christ; at least you can put ergonomic logic to this case.
Usually my ‘hopping fad’ activities involved paying a visit to a well-known coffee house, their nearby bookshop and making polite conversation with coffee-bean stained staff who'd just been inundated with a Holy stream of Christian worshipers, eager for a triple shot caffeine infusion and then exclaim its being in the presence of God that lifts their spirit. God must've known a coffee house would resurrect next to his house. Normally I offer a snippet of my well-rehearsed Easter message to the bemused barista: "For your interest, Jesus Christ did rise up in 1992, he knew it was Easter Sunday would you know, due to witnesses seeing apparitions of Mary in Kibeho on a hilltop. Plus. without investigation, the Catholics deemed this as being overwhelmingly authentic; to the point Agathe Habyarimana the Rwandan President's wife was enthralled at the ghostly sightings, a tourism pact was made between the President's concierge and the bishop of Kigali. Kibeho will forever be associated with biblical resurrections... it lives on today. Now, if there was a coffee house on the Kibeho hilltop; dehydration and therefore hallucinations wouldn't commence.. In a puff of holy smoke the myth would vanish. Christos anesti in Rwanda of all places though, never in front of billions watching a Live 8 concert."
Being a carnivore, and one who knows the benefit of such a diet - I however find the added burden of sacrifice or sacramental gutting abhorrent. Christians and Muslims tend to abide by this cruel practice and not only that they delight in it; it's part of the celebration of Easter and the feast of Eid. What's wrong with a herb salad? I think the symbolism of sacrifice from the early scripture of Abraham's willingness to offer his son as sacrificial fodder to divinity (ye-s really) now this is common across the trio of monotheism genuinely has no place in modern society, regardless of how you dress up the tradition. Any for of commemorative blood sacrifice is an apotheosis to vileness and delusion; it just so happens Abraham lived till he was one hundred and seventy five, his wife Sarah lived till she was one hundred and twenty seven; ahem, days were obviously shorter during the Old Testament era.
Even in these uncertain and barbaric times, I prefer not to be reminded
of the Pagan rituals Easter derived from - why
not celebrate the spring equinox, a phenomena that occurs annually? My
awkwardness towards an endeared Easter gesture from a dear neighbour was as
blatant as saying Donald Trump has matted 'Shredded
Wheat' as a mullet - I am Neanderthal when it comes to charming traditions
based on deism.
There are always reasons for my default position; they're not credited on convention or mainstream concepts or opinions -- I tend to lean towards the core position rather than get entangled with thousands of years of prose which inherently stems from a catalogue of accidents and misguidance. A fine example is we're the only developed nation which doesn't have a bank holiday on their national day, its backward thinking on a gargantuan scale. Why national identity urgently needs to be prioritised over Holy week and Easter; for the Easter falsification (s) makes amok of who and what matters - and I shall expand on this point, it also enters into my Easter message somewhat.
"Actually, the
resurrected body is a recurrent concept; generically saints arise from
mortality across the deism spectrum. See, Matthew's Gospel: The resurrection of
the saints, not forgetting the stripped naked body of a hung Ishtar; allegedly
the body rose from the underworld. Plus, Dionysus adoringly breathed new
life into his mother Semele, call it resuscitation - nevertheless, it was yet
another resurrection. What is immensely curious is that the miraculous
transformation is consistent with the 'new body' re-born rhetoric. This is
perfectly illustrated with Mary Magdalene, while at the tomb of Jesus Christ
she hears a familiar voice; alas the body is different... furthermore, she is
told not to touch the body, albeit, it's unclear who really told her."
You don't need to analyse much for the analogy to disintegrate. Conveniently there's ambiguity for over forty years thereafter the resurrection, enough time for the disciples to slip off into obscurity. Yet for a devout Christian, life is not about processing information and coming up with a result - no, the whole idea is to live in an animated phenomenon. Believing that your mind and body is not your own, basically it works like a body rental service; whether or not you get upgraded to immortal is the gloriously valid reason to convert to Christianity. This is where I compute with Mark Vernon he was a Church of England Priest, now an author and prominent atheist - he laid out the deistic plan for humanity. "The idea is for humanity to be alike, praise the same God, think the same way, and to enrol to the ultimate ideology. They got to save as many ensouls as possible - however, for all this to happen, dehumanization takes place and that's deluding oneself."
Some who oppose this validation usually get entrenched in a private war
with themselves, and the only means out of the pious swamp is via an illogical
rant claiming I am being unjust with their personal beliefs. I then calmly
announce it's my impression on Easter. I'd be dishonest to pose otherwise and
considering the Great Leader has the power of omnipotence, I at least can't be
umbrella'd as a hypocrite.
In my Easter notes, I spy a stomach crunching finally which indirectly lets me off the hook as an infidel / sinner. This speaks the language of the irrational and goes along the same vein that Vernon adopts… Its precision deserved the right to belong in my Easter message, plus it needed a personal touch. "My body is no better than an oversized Easter bunny without the ears... I hop here there and everywhere, I am grateful that I have the freedom to hop without the threat of a Farmer ending it all. You may have noticed I am neither a Farmer nor a bunny I am a law abiding atheist presenting to you exactly what I am, and know - and my position is non-hypocritical. There are subtle dangers for the believers in within the scriptures and it resides in the myriad law (s) of hypocrisy - Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy. There's no greater sin. Hoppy Easter."
On another personal note, I don't condone violence at any level. True to
form religion is born out of barbaric acts; suffice to say there's a mammoth
hypocrisy present at the core of deism... Those who worshiped Jesus and
the Pagans sacrificed all their humanity to become warlords’ beasts and mass
murderers in ancient times, over one irrelevant matter, whereby there's no end
- mercilessly clashing over whose God is the false idol.
Easter derived from Paganism for the ideologies got cajoled and so-called Christians now celebrate Pagan rituals - There's no greater sin than hypocrisy. Thanks for reading.
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