A Message to ‘Brexit'

Two years ago the British people voted 'Leave'; on a simply worded, easy to ascertain comprehension of taking back control. After several days of tinkering on tribulation created by the Tory Party, I’ve arrived to the conclusion Brexit doesn’t mean Brexit; but really means Tory Toxicity. And so I am taking back control of my sovereignty and others if they like and eloquently asking for a French passport – difficult times equate to different measures; as it appears Brexit has become more than a Referendum result; alas a conscious of its own accord.

Having read Boris Johnson’s resignation letter, titled ‘Dear Theresa’ and the response, I regretfully found out that the response hadn’t tallied up with Johnson’s letter; I can only guess he’s better off sending the letter to ‘Brexit’ as I am doing, at this moment. Of course there has been no notification of what gender Brexit is; albeit, without sounding too provocative I’ll hasten a guess ‘Brexit’ is of an androgynous ilk – incapable of multi-tasking and making decisions for itself. Ultimately the ex-Foreign Secretary felt by now a gender had to be decided because Brexit was supposed to be called ‘Hope’ which is a girl’s name and every girl called Hope from my recollection has the characteristics of being ‘nimble and dynamic.’  Finding out the Brexit is indeed a moron, certainly puts a dampener on proceedings and obviously too much for DD and BJ and several other Brexit hangers-on cheer-leading for a champion fighter, supremo negotiator, or an ‘Arnie terminator’.

Undoubtedly, having seen Brexit is beyond disappointment – and all this under sweltering conditions at Chequers; whereby an agreement had to be confirmed while consuming hot puddings, otherwise no fresh air. Indeed the ‘customs rulebook’ simulates polishing a turd; not exactly an ideal activity to do under oppressive conditions, especially at Chequers; however, according to Theresa she was a little surprised to receive complaints after the productive discussions they had over the comprehensive and detailed proposal the cabinet democratically agreed. For Theresa nurturing a turd was better than nurturing a full-bodied Brexit called Hope who would only consume five times its body weight every day. What we now know Brexit to be is a pasty squid of a Brexit, by which could be vegan. The chances of surviving a transitional period of meaty negotiations with Michel Barnier and Co is like sailing off on a ship named ‘Titanic’ and not packing your water wings – henceforth, who takes care of Brexit? My hands are tied and quite frankly I despise pasty squids, born from far-right dogma; so, I’ll say it now, I am very likely to be a diabolic surrogate parent to Brexit - negligence guaranteed; I’d much prefer an unelected foreign national to shoot the bastard.
Strangely enough, I found myself scratching my temple on Theresa’s theory of coming to a ‘decision’ of the understanding Cabinet colleagues were *allowed* by her say so, not the rule of a democratic state to express views, she announced:   ----  “I have allowed Cabinet colleagues considerable latitude to express their individual views… But the agreement we reached on Friday marks the point where that is no longer the case, and if you are not able to provide the support we need to secure this deal in the interests of the United Kingdom, it is right that you should step down.”  The delusion here is; Theresa didn’t listen to the Brexiters – whether that’s correct or not, the domino of resignations thereafter implies she’s incapable of negotiating or being influential within her own comfortable position. Little nuances such as: ‘it is right that you should step down’ in reference to a resignation, garners a self-comforting agenda not fit for High Office.

You’ve got to be residing under a stone not to compute the character of a true Brexit; who’ll disregard this message just like the emotive infamous one on the side of a red bus – The irritation for those who engage in cognitive thought is; we’ve got a governance, claiming Brexit is soft, agreeable, wants to be your friend and helpful to UK’s international trade prospects – surely this is ‘project deception.’ Every Brexit voter wanted absolute change, you don’t get this by being gratifying… fundamentally the vote means ridding the status quo, neo-liberal attitudes and formulas and embarking on a vision Boris Johnson gregariously expressed. Yeh, the Brexit what has been unveiled is a limp one unfit for visionaries and survives by default; because Tory Toxicity lives on - long may it do so. Now that the administration has a song to sing, it’s imperative for the Dominic Raab choir to learn it off by heart in a bid to sing in unison at the Proms where everyone is listening. The big question on the lips being; how is the May vision better than what we’ve got now? Only a moron will applaud it; going by the amount of time and nurture Brexit has demanded; the evidence shows a pasty, sickly child running in last place on the world stage; incapable of competing; albeit May rapturously applauds the performance.

As common sense is not common within the echelon of High Office, I hope to receive a message back from ‘Brexit’ itself, for the entity must be real to warrant a sovereign parliament to pander to a casuistic imbecile. Dare I say it, I agree with Johnson’s confirmation that the White Paper surrenders to the EU by abiding to the ECJ, effectively gifts Barnier and Co the upper hand in continuing negotiations – to inform this is unilaterally progressive is ‘project deception.’ But the crux is, the UK will have zero ability to influence these laws whatsoever. You’re better off in the EU for the foreseeable future, regardless of what side of the debate you’ve occupied – currently, Brexit isn’t really Brexit and the repercussions socially won’t disband like this inept governance can overnight at the ballot box; I say in earnest, it’ll remain deep within society, our consciousness for a generation. Why this entity of Brexit has to show its naked self by parading a full frontal behind a Laura Kuenssberg report; exposing the pathetic reality.

Jonathan Portes did indeed expose the pathetic reality when he wasted hours reading the book ‘Britannia Unchained’ – the authors were five Conservative MPs including Liz Truss and Dominic Raab, the new Brexit Secretary: two ‘young-guns’ destined for greatness based on their warped ideology of Britons today; the same people who voted for a better life outside the European Union. Raab argued that the archetypal Briton is idle, obsessed with a vision derived from the gentleman amateur; (dreamboat, celebrity-ism) – meh, spurious content you’ll denote – however, the Raab written word is just like his vocal word…. Simply off the cuff without any credibility let alone research. Raab now is responsible for negotiating a May vision of shiny excrement to Barnier and Co; that’s unquestionably idle at best – so, ironically Dominic Raab now is championing the gentleman amateur on the global stage. Talking the Anglo-dream that’s dying, suffocated by needless self-doubt to Euro-bureaucrats tied to a twenty-seven-state-political-indoctrination ---- the likelihood of them staring into the abyss racking their brains what this man and debacle reminds them of; I’ll put them out of their misery…. The Tory, Alan B’Stard in the TV Series: ‘The New Statesman.’ He’s already broken House of Commons protocol by discussing ‘The White Paper;’ having not sent out ‘The White Paper’ to fellow MP’s beforehand – meh, very Alan B’Stard.  This comes from an individual who believes the only means to get on in life is via hard work, (or in his case, doing the job of polishing turds).

I’ve taken it upon myself to pen Raab’s opening paragraph to Barnier and Co; to initiate his position. Here goes: “Who wasn’t moved when Theresa nearly wept tears at last year’s General Election? People thought she was nearly crying because she wasn’t liked by the Great British idle public, this wasn’t the case; it was the thought of not being able to negotiate with you Michel Barnier. For Brexit is more than a political gesture, it’s a grandiose opportunity gifted to us by British idlers who want all of us to polish turds indefinitely. Give them what they want, poverty, zero investment, another financial crisis, deep recession and really painful times so they appreciate who their masters are; their faithful, compassionate Tory Party incessantly taking from the disabled, vulnerable and idle all devised to make the opulent… richer; because they need to buy deliciously-tariff Agri-Foods to keep the country solvent. You too can be part of the Great Depression from across the channel all thanks to our pasty, vegan Brexit.

I patiently await your response Brexit, when you’ve time away from producing turds.
