Didn’t we have an EU Referendum? However, it seems
Farage is convinced he has to reinstate his position on Brexit, in case you
forgot the first time round; his hard-truth, hard-talking, hard Brexit
motivation comes from the fiasco against a Theresa May Brexit Plan, he’s made
it very clear the Farage Plan is to grind our Green and Pleasant Land
reputation into oblivion.
Teaming up with LML (Leave means Leave) is likely
to be a match made in perdition, before Farage swans off to Germany for early
retirement, for a quieter life away from the cultivated chaos he helped create.
Mark my words, Nigel (People’s Army) Farage will leave the field of battle by
‘I dared to dream that dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom
once again… if you find me on a campaign battle bus again you have my
permission to spit in my pint.’ Arms
outstretched, he’ll address his handful of blood-shot eyed pub-goers and King
Charles Spaniel and with an emotional vocal break, he’ll croak out: ‘fight-on, my friends… I may be in Germany,
(groan) but I’ll be with you in spirit (make it a single malt).’
I can see why Nigel is reiterating his position
that the UK should refrain from paying a bitter divorce settlement, practically
every divorce settlement tends to get one party not abiding by the agreement – this
is the norm. Yet, it is the UK who’ll renegade on the agreement according to: ‘Leave Definitely Means Leave Without Paying
Divorce Bill.’ The idea is to skip
off into the abyss without paying anything; after a fee having already been
agreed something between 30 – 40 Billion Pounds. I suspect the EU will ring up our
establishment and tearfully cry down the blower: ‘I’ve chucked your CD’s out of the window….’ Farage angrily stated:
‘Look, I don’t want those filthy
Eurocrats getting a single penny more from the British voters – unless of
course those pennies turn into tens and thousands of pounds and come back to me
in the form of a disgustingly lucrative pension.’ One could clarify, he’s merely on the campaign
trail purely to benefit himself, but that’ll be too cynical I am sure from his
73K pension pot he’ll happily subsidise agriculture, post Brexit; perhaps put
his name to a Research Centre in
Obviously, Farage is theoretically a one-trip pony;
he is purely synonymous with ‘Independent Britain’ and causing political earthquakes which I am sure
the People’s Army advocate is always excited about. Thinking Nige is on their
side, clutching a beer and cigar though only takes you so far… but evidence
emulates the Farage appeal is going in reverse.; not helped by personal
avarice. One minute he is saying what his followers are thinking, like ‘the EU has
had enough from the UK over the years’ – then there’s a misconjecture derived
by privilege (s), which is startlingly peculiar. The onus ends off with UK’s
payment to the EU to secure one man’s pension; either Farage is underestimating
his audience’s intelligence or he’s so delusional, he’s incapable of seeing the
end goal without involving personal matters. I’d say just over forty percent of
the populous saw this erroneous flaw from simple observations in interviews and
debates from the off. However, there’s a difference of late now that Farage has
a broadcasting platform of his free-will in being part of LBC; he genuinely
doesn’t care what listeners think. Overall, his audience are reacting in
amazement he is content to have EU handouts from an organisation that he firmly
claims as ‘LML’ policy shouldn’t receive any payments from the UK.
Brexiters must now know the Farage Sale is fraudulent and dare I say it always been part of the
elitism that a gargantuan proportion of Brexiters despise. By Voting with their
hearts initially which I know many did in the EUREF2016 the wholesome, honest
angst could pop back and haunt Farage, for he is the MEP systematically
thinking of his lucrative handouts. There is hypocrisy and then there’s underestimating
the Brexiter’s intelligence… working the two in tandem is not clever and I
suspect they’ll be a sting in the tail at some point. Campaigning is a habit tough to give up, I
therefore, couldn’t help but sneer at the myopic boast that the ‘battlebus’ is already ordered – for
what you ask? Yes, exactly --- But, the impression is; Nige isn’t happy and if
I may add, he’s on tour to say: ‘look I
made everyone worse off, I’ve set the economy back years and given voice to the
far-right of politics at home and abroad – but most of all I’ve secured a lucrative
pension from a job I claimed to hate and did everything possible to avoid.’
In normal circumstances this is a suicide note –
alas, I know mainstream media is onside; hence, refer to LBC’s Iain Dale and fellow
cronies, deplorable attitudes towards a full
democracy; their aversion to allowing a ‘People’s Vote’ on the final deal
to ratify the UK’s economic relationship with the European Union - regretfully,
‘Dale and Co’s’ collective voice had a stinging tone; ‘I couldn’t give a rat’s arse what you think.’ Part of the mantra now from irate Brexiters;
of the notion Jacob Rees-Mogg has publically announced this: ‘We’re in the
woods rather than the big picture. The deal is very simple, they want our money
and we want a trade deal. Why don’t we bring it together and agree to it?
(Meaning a People’s Vote for ratification). In normal negotiations you settle the big
picture initially and then decide if you’re keeping the curtains. And all we’re
doing is not just deciding on the curtains, but curtain hooks ----- and we need
to be deciding on whether we’re buying the house.’ (Meaning a People’s Vote for
Prominent Leave ‘Thundercats’
have tweeted on social media to rejoice the return of Farage into active
political life – the idea is to stampede the establishment into submission that
‘Leave Means Leave’ and there’s no half-way house of an actual deal. All that
the deal does is tie the UK up with unnecessary bureaucracy, condition health
checks and so forth and stop the UK from importing unregulated skeletal, livestock
from Africa on the cheap which was Nigel’s answer to all our farming woes. In
retrospect, I just wish our electorate representatives could witness his
pioneering cogs whirring in the HoC
on a weekly basis… why I guess he has a chat show on LBC. Every-so-often, I
read his open letter while he was UKIP leader to remind me of his uncanny
ability to foresee issues if we didn’t vote for Brexit. Top of the pile was an
influx of Romanians at the time of his open letter there were 100K, remarkably
28K were arrested or in jails having mastered doing ATM scams. And worse to
come under the freedom of movement rules there’s nothing the UK can do to stop
it. Apart from not being in the Schengen
Zone, alas this is a minor detail and; henceforth an actuality ‘Leave EU’
Voters don’t calculate; probably because it sounds extraneous.
Thankfully, since the Brexit Vote, Nigel doesn’t
have to reside next to a Romanian even now that the Romanian populous in the UK
is now at 411,000; that’s 25% a year increase, since June 2016. Out of nearly
half a million of them every single one of them according to Farage struggles
to complete a full transition into a western democracy. Somehow his rhetoric doesn’t
stack up otherwise our Right-Wing media would stoke up the Romanian problem and
I’d know about it, especially if the demographic is trying to undermine our way
of life. Are untruths about an immigrant
racist? This is quite likely; then again Farage covers himself by stating it is
not racist to target Romanians ‘unfairly.’ After-all, a few bad ones could be
imprisoned out of 411,000; the law of averages informs us of this fact.
Anomalous really because Farage states this at the
end of his open letter: ‘We should not be
in a political union with Romanians with an open door policy to all of their
citizens. We must take back power to stop criminals from entering our country
by taking back control of our borders --To do this vote Leave EU.’ Disgraceful
is… getting on a battlebus knowing full well the UK and parliament were always
sovereign never part of the Schengen Zone either; thus playing up to the
ignoramus by underlining their inner trepidation; for an onerous schadenfreude
gain. Farage isn’t the political earthquake he so wants to be synonymous with,
claiming he’s the reason why there’s a shift in the tectonic plates for the
sake of desideratum. His world-view is always Farage, and inadvertently he’s
keeping the Thatcherism flame alive, by resetting capitalism for those in his
circle to reap greater opulence via the British Constitution cherry-picking EU
Laws and Working Rights. I deduce UK’s membership exit is disgraceful timing because
in 2019 the European Commission has an ultimate objective to design a mechanism
that will dissuade intermediaries from designing and marketing tax avoidance
Member states will abide by the new rulings scheduled
for mid-2019; herewith the onus
entailing cross border schemes that involve more than one country - main
jurisdiction being an active member of the EU27. Brexit evaluates corruption
directly from the echelons of an incumbency why Brussels can potentially damage
UK’s globalism reputation for a generation. Although, Farage and protectionism is
doing a fine job of achieving this, while blaming immigrants and the EU for all
our social and economic problems brought on by eight years of austere measures.
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