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Bannon Speaking at the Oxford Union |
The voyeur response somewhat echoes this dishonesty and
for me this derails democracy - not specifically due to any deviations of what
Brexit means, i.e. People’s Vote etc.
There’s zero accountability, and regretfully this doesn’t bode well for the
wider community as the wave of lies, cheating, McCarthyism and disingenuous
targeting is creating a norm which sways into social thuggery and the coherent voices are being drowned out;
mainly of the common denominator; Brexit ‘fraudocracy’
is shaping UK politics and our incumbency is fighting a losing battle in making
sense of it.
When lies change macroeconomic or political wills,
the policies thereafter generally have no plausible foundation to sit upon,
this arouses deep suspicions. Continuously there’s incessant fakery,
misdiagnosis and inflammatory terms frequenting the airwaves. If anyone is
acquainted with Robert Harris’s ‘Selling
Hitler’ book, the 1930s terminologies are shockingly akin with today’s
ill-advised tropes and incompetence; even the use of satire is waved away
implying a perverse quotation was due to a night on moonshine, or a passionate pleading
to something entirely different - herewith, the ‘ol faithful ‘taketh out of context;’ response. The failings are that the context is
warped to an agenda dependent on what side you mindfully occupy and furthermore
manufactured irresponsibility derives from not tackling such absurdities; the
losers are our very own hard fought moral values.
Levels of fakery and deception possibly have changed
the UK for the worse globally, what with their bio-directional anonymity and
idiotic platitudes received at home on devices and on a social media loop, the psychosis
is progressively sitting next to you. Plato echoed the roll of how the foolish
too often in parrot fashion descends on common sense as if it has a divine
right to do so - there prolongs the bogus tropes, barking banter and the
blatant mendacities. It’s renown that Hitler used exactly the same propagandist
theories to fulfil contingency plan (s) in regards to Hess – 1) should the
mission goes well and Hess is successful he acted in agreement with me. - 2) If
Hess is arrested in England as a spy, then he informed me some time ago of *his
plan, I’ll reject it. - 3) Should the mission fail completely, I’ll declare
Hess acted in a fit of delusion. Different times, different measures? Not
exactly, the level of delusion in recent years is so harrowing the norm is now
splintering into general political parties, which the gullible can now vote
Drastic action is required to stem the tide of
protectionist mantra, namely revoke art50. Y’see when authority or a governance
is in collapse something decidedly Machiavellian enters the national psyche
posing to be the knight in shining armour, galloping up to rescue the damsel in
distress – but whom sent thee? No-one truly knows, and this is why caution is a
wise choice, the more cautious you are the more the ‘knight’ shows his true
colours. Either way, the smokescreen is purely devised for far right dogma to
deliver on protectionism; there’s no actual democratic process inscribed here
but merely one vision. By allowing
that vision to commence while forgoing due process, you’re witnessing a
dissolvent of a national constitution.
In comparison, Trevor-Roper a former Regius
Professor of History at Oxford announced there’s so many forgeries circulating,
from falsified accounts, suspect diaries, to phony interviews with Hitler…
what’s fact was he seldom wrote anything after 1933. Today, forgeries are part
of mainframe policy the core position of political will and choices; call it a
hole in reality, to block that hole something significant has to happen. Or
worse, continue down the hole and find yourself in a Carrollesque world of distorted actualities.
Before you know it, clandestine culture warriors
descend on your homeland and embark on a recruitment plan to endanger the UK
Constitution. The trepidation surfaces when the Judeo-Christian agency is leaked out unwittingly in mainstream
discourse and inertia politicians buy into the populism as if it’s Joseph’s
technicolour dream-coat. Five months ago the UK incumbency took on an Italian
abbey’s lease, purely to instruct leaders of tomorrow; notably populist far
right ones. Cue the Steve Bannon’s whistle-stop ‘Unicorn Tour’ last year.
Indeed, he let the cat out of the bag at the Oxford Union Debate Society by
breaking off frequently in regards to get time checks with his time management
entourage – i.e. flights to Rome. He openly announced the populist movement had
an impetus on the continent although, much of the Oxford Union saw the erroneous
statement as classic Bannon trailblazing.
Farage’s Judeo-Christian UKIP manifesto of 2015
proclaimed that nationalism was closely knitted to deism especially the core
manipulations of Christianity, the far right knew that they’ll have to
reinvigorate the Judeo-Christian defence to be accepted in certain quarters.
Those affiliated to heritage, patriotism, and cultist theorems under the
umbrella of a Christian nation found a Carrollesque
world. And it derived through the innate ideology of Salafism and their
national attacks against our Western values. Farage and the far right are
creating a displacement clause against Islam and other religions – for he
categorically stated: he is the defender of Judeo-Christian faiths.
Progressively by 2016 just before the EU Referendum, Boris Johnson became
anti-EU after reading Michel Houellebecq’s fictional book ‘Submission’ – it’s about
an extreme Islamic philosophy filtering into Parisian life. Written during the
aftermath of the ‘Charlie Hebdo’
massacre, the fiction embolden Boris Johnson’s nationalistic stance, and as
he’s one who sees himself as a Churchillian
figure he saw Brexit as an egotistical calling - now the ultimate prize
Benefiting by the prophecies of hate is far right
dogmatism, I recall five Swedish economists tracing the links back to social
depravity, austere measures and hatred of foreigners. Xenophobic right wing
voters generically had zero contact with immigrants alas blamed national ills
indiscriminately on ethnic minorities. Failures of governmental neoliberalism
has spawned fanaticism that in itself will be a threat to democratic rights – a
free for all on self-prophecies, look no further than a G7 Nation ending all
ties to the world’s largest trading bloc; herewith, this neatly leads me onto
Bannon’s protectionist perversion.
Who votes for something that’s purposefully not
tangible and affectively kills off democratic negotiations? I announce this in
the knowledge that the EU Election results (May 2019), prove that 5.2 million
citizens are willing to send a G7 Nation into an isolationist cul-de-sac,
believing that patriotism bares fruit from a globalist orchard; what’s
distinctly concerning is that every mealy-mouthed macroeconomic expert claims
the contrary is true. In regards to the Trisulti
Charterhouse it is a former Carthusian Monastery, leased by ‘Dignitatis Humanae Institute’, namely far
right extremist Benjamin Harnwell (Conservative MP). There’s a simple
correlation with the monk Alban Schachleiter’s 1920’s fascist momentum with the
Munich Catholic hierarchy; this was when far right extremism filtered directly
from Trappist monasteries into education pathways, embroidering in an
indoctrinated populism that created Hitler’s henchmen and women, thereafter.
Bannon myopically steps-over governing body censorship, I’ve not witnessed anything so vile and dangerous in Blighty in
the modern epoch and it’s all underwritten by a perverted deistic theorem by UK
Governance. The far right gladiator school of populism’s lease via (DHI) is
purchased by British taxpayers, furthermore, the Italian cultural
heritage ministry is revoking a lease granted to Bannon & Harnwell / DHI;
as it breached the EU’s competitive tender process. Now the populist
disease-machine is searching elsewhere to establish a foothold in this region. Harnwell made a pledge, the academy will embark
regardless of Italian authorities will to stop them this autumn (2019). There
are stark similarities in Schachleiter’s doctrine / fascist insurgence to Her
Majesty’s Government’s protectionist outfit – and yes it’s allowed to be crowdfunded
by UK’s indoctrinated far right appeasers; indeed, it is time to wake up and deliver
a fatal blow to this old-wave of heinous populism.
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