Unpicking the Boris Cult

Media is the champion of free thought, although, there’s a strong suggestion the role of broadcasters are going off on a tangent, embroidering the independence of what the corona-era brings. Some applaud it, others despise this new found surge of ethically thinking, Tough, to eliminate this opposition approach entirely, for doing so, means the West’s diplomatic relations will suffer, along with future foreign investment and cohesive civility.

If ever you require a reminder, consider for one moment the torrid attacks against Piers Morgan while he has suspected Covid-19 - a regretful affair, but also an indicator that the Boris Cult is tearing this uncodified constitution down, advocating a one-opinion state, a one-party dictatorship. For the hounds prefer to Piers hunt on their terms, the fact the veteran broadcaster each morning holds a politician account for the 32+k death toll which breaches media protocol is deemed preposterous, any form of emotive towards this national catastrophe isn’t remotely acceptable in the corona-era for the ultra-nationalists.

Grievously, what’s transgressed are the impassioned warnings about care home deaths, deficient protective attire, risks to those who put themselves in harm’s way – perversely the alerts has the past time term… ‘Boris-hating.’ This is a bid to dissolve responsibility away from governance and directly onto private enterprise procurement schemes that both have the powers or authority to obtain PPE independently, to terminate a trust bidding wars, which’ll cause immense delay and be instrumental in creating perilous conditions. Why Marron and Lawson claim it’s paramount HMG’s department of health procures items nationally, rather than expecting NHS organizations to compete for the same PPE supplies across the country – albeit, fascists incessantly lie about the procure management powers – the most tribal even pose as medical professionals, nonetheless, faking it is easy for them; all part of the ignominious spoils of being a member of the Boris Cult.

This is where the odious protectionists morph into an ominous form of vengeance, when their mask slips… there’s no reward or pleasure in identifying their failed argument, or illusion, so you ask yourself… why bother? Well, it’s actually worth configuring their endgame or main purpose of existence; alas the majority of time this is blanked. Nailing a reality highlights their gullibility, for the cost is immeasurable – why the alt right fall short of the truth. Nil point for originality, as the endgame is inhumane, putrid and dissolves free thinking. We’ve been here before – but this is where we’re at. Odiously the dehumanization program is akin to a propaganda ministry; orchestrated by a Dr. Joseph Goebbels, whom ‘took control’ (where have we heard that term before?) of all forms of communications.

My quest for answers remains unanswered, I’m prepared for it, and on the basis it’s done so in the warped mirror of nationalism, my senses configure a sinister tide and it spells out trouble for those with their hands cradling their heads in angst of the odious mistakes, disinformation and improper tones, which’re turfed out of Whitehall; because corona exemplifies how numbskull and fractious the ultra-right are, huge numbers accept the human collateral… what’s noticeable is how rapidly their ideology imitates the propaganda ministry of yesteryear, when death doesn’t batter an eye-lid, alas every year we remember the dead, the fallen heroes from a hundred years of wars and conflicts. Strange though how those boost the position of nationalism to uphold this so-called, rhetorical blitz spirit, without ever experiencing the worst war in modern times, as the invisible corona shakes our livelihoods into a foreboding submission, Boris Johnson’s national and personal health fiascos, herewith are of a criminal indictment. Not unfair to draw upon Communism comparisons through the prism of our own values; in other words be in awe and bewilderment of the current corona UK death toll, and the number who perished during the tenure of Mao. Arguably both induced absolute poverty and acted irresponsibly which many would claim was criminality.

The terrible atrocity fully merits the harsh condemnation Communism has received and now what avarice has shown that the Prime Minister boasted that if the UK kept her doors open in the corona-era the national rewards would be fruitful. This is the unthinkable defiance of the cherished values of capitalism we uphold and I observed the self-adulation. Our Free State media merely echoes the national disdain, the emotive impact and it’ll be worrisome if it wasn’t particularly fierce. In retrospect, economist Amartya Sen drew upon the Communist famine and a newly democratic India comparatives in the early 1980s India thrived after liberating itself from British rule, the reason wasn’t rocket-science economist Utsa Patnaik relayed a damning picture of British Empirical rule in the Columbia University Press, our Empirical rule crushed a nation, notably on tax and trade; the calculated cost drained $45 trillion from India over a duration of 173 years - suffice to say, the numbers of deaths puts Mao’s 6.25 million deaths annually due to imposed deprivation, in the shade. Sen audaciously announced that India’s liberating rise was due to a political system of adversarial journalism and opposition, the very thing the far right want to squander and control today. Contradistinctions personified. In contrast, economists in unison repetitively said China’s totalitarian regime embarked on misinformation due to no political pressure from their journalists; meaning the public was ill informed and opposition was nil. Cradling the view that free thinking / opposition was a positive cause away from the totalitarian state mantra.

I’ll go further, disagreements enriches the Free State philosophy, and when the ilk of Miriam Margolyes rants on about abhorrent thoughts about a PM’s well-being, and knows fully well they’re outlandish and appalling… although, I ponder earnestly whether those responding with the term ‘evil’ are capable of acknowledging their own contradictory shortcomings. What I will clarify is… I am totally reassured there’s an allowance of such freedoms still, without retribution; by advocating severe punishment (s), reminds me of Mao’s deprivation policies if there’s dissent or if you’re the wrong demographic for example; our collective civility has always countered those in foreign lands who abide by tyrannical measures some of which were cultural. UK’s glorious recent history made Blighty an influential and a key figure in human right laws internationally. What’s also great is how mass media works, for it’s a litmus paper on par to J-J. Rousseau’s the body politic - and indirectly balances and protects Western democracies. Sure, some days its effective some days not, but hey… this is the crucial part of our social equilibrium. Western civilization with warts et al cannot afford to dismiss freedoms so cack-handedly.

I write this article on the cusp of computing our incumbent’s throw them under the bus politics while the horrific corona virus death toll mounts. Ye-s, HMG is forgoing the five tests of easing national lockdown, and has ignored SAGE’s advice since 02/20 – they do so, because their hideous body politic endangers us all. But we’ve grown accustomed to this treatment; this isn’t news… or is it?         
